These are the buzzwords for April …
Even though in March it officially became Autumn, the soil in our gardens is still warm and there is plenty of sunshine to come, despite the cooler nights and mornings. Lots of time to get new plants into the ground to establish themselves before winter – up to 3 months, in fact, in our area. Busy time in the garden planting and planning in preparation for winter and spring.
- Trees and shrubs you are planning on. Get them in and settled. Water well and add good compost.

- Plant any cutting you have in messy pots. The ones you have been nurturing through summer. They will be happy in the ground. Get them in.
- Purchase those unusual perennials you have seen at The Green Folly. Get them planted so they have a chance to establish their roots

- Ornamental Grasses are certainly on trend and are at their prime in our garden now. Very waterwise and low maintenance they provide dimension, drama and structure to the garden and they provide shelter and food for little birds. Plant ornamental grasses en masse and in contrasting swathes of colour and texture to create a stunning show. Graceful, arching forms stirred by breezes, grasses add movement and light to our gardens. Plant some of the many grasses available at The Green Folly such as miscanthus sinensis, zebra grass – Miscanthus Sinennnsis Zebrinus, Lomandra …